Archive for March, 2012

Fan Art Friday – Battle Version

Wow! This colorful beauty had Oliver the Monster all excited, being his first piece of fan art and all. It was sent in by ten year old Duncan from North Andover, Massachusetts. Check out the amazing battle armor that Oliver is wearing, and the intense face paint that he’s sporting. He’s definitely ready for some intense action. Many thanks Duncan! And keep the amazing art coming and I’ll keep posting them!


Los Amigos Onions And Peanizles Together Again!!!

Well, the fantastic guys over at the fabulous Onion & Pea comic ordered up a bunch of books all the way from Malaga, Spain. Both David Tomaselli and Jose Villena have been super fans and big supporters of Peanizles since the beginning. Even doing their own fantastic version of Chuck and a Peanizles strip in last year’s April Fools day comics Switcheroo.

Click Comic For Full Size
Onion And Peanizles

And Chuck and Succotash were so thrilled that they sent along a special gift, with them showing off their love and support of Onion and Pea!

What are you waiting for?

Go check out Onion and Pea already!


Hand Puppet Theater – Fan Art!

Wow! Amazing twelve year old Ramphis M. of Lawrence, Massachusetts, sent in this super-cool comic puppet theater comic. Thanks, so much Ramphis and keep them coming guys!!!


Fashionable Fan Art – The Wednesday Edition!!!

This ultra fashionable drawing of Chuck came to us from eight year old Kylie W. of New Hampshire, Massachusetts is just looking to get your attention.

Great job Kylie! And keep the great artwork coming guys!!!
