April 29th, 2013

Five Days!
There’s five day’s left until Free Comic Book Day 2013!
This Saturday, May 4th, is Free Comic Book Day 2013, and I’ll be at Comically Speaking, in Reading, Massachusetts. I’ll be there signing comics, drawing sketches, and this year it’ll be the unofficial premier of the first Peanizles book!

The book is 114 full-color pages of comics. It also has original drawings, and the two of the very first comic of Chuck and the gang that ever premiered. Plus, there’s guest characters, and a very special appearance by Stan “The Man” Lee himself.
I’ll be joined by Adam Miller, the amazingly creative mind behind the uber popular Zombie anthology series Zombie Bomb.
So, what are you waiting for? Mark it down on your calendar and I’ll see you there!
April 19th, 2013
This year’s Boston Comic Con is going to be a big deal.
This year Boston, my home town, my city, has been through a lot this week. And none of it was good. There has been terrible pain, anguish, and fear felt throughout Boston, the country, and the world. And through all of that there have just been the most amazing, wondrous people who remind us that most people are good, and decent, and most importantly human.
This year’s Boston Comic Convention has been uplifted with a universal show of amazing support from artists and creators. People are not letting this deter them from coming to Boston. In fact, it’s seemed to have done quite the opposite. People are more determined more than ever to make their way to Boston. individuals who weren’t initially scheduled to attend this year’s convention have rallied together and have been added to the guest list. And it just makes me glad. It gives me such amazing feeling of hope and a feeling of solidarity. and that we can overcome whatever heinous acts a few twisted individuals try to create.
And Peanizles will be at this year’s Boston Comic Con. This year’s convention will be the premier event for the new Peanizles book. A 114 page, full-color trade paperback collection of Peanizles comics. I’ll be signing book, doing sketches, and looking forward to being a part of something very special this year.
So, come on by. Be a part of something good, of something great.

April 1st, 2013

In honor of April Fool’s Day I thought I’d show off this great drawing of Chuck, Succotash, and Grace, and a graffiti-styled new logo. Chuck thinks that the new logo looks, cool, but can’t figure out why this “Don Mathias” gets top billing. A great big thanks goes out to ten year old Josh P., of Haverhill, Massachusetts, for sending this in!
February 27th, 2013
I recently had the opportunity to be part of a gallery exhibition of cartoonists, at the Essex Art Center, Lawrence, Massachusetts. The show was a truly amazing opportunity to be a part of a group of exceptionally talented cartoonists.

Above left to right: Brian McFadden, Elena Steier, Norm Feuti, and Don Mathias.
There was the brilliantly funny, and subversive, political comics of Brian McFadden, of Big Fat Whale and The New York Times, The Strip; Elena Steier and her cute yet gothic comic strips, The Goth Scouts, Queen Of The Cosmos, and the Tee Dogs; and Norm Feuti, and his fantastically funny take on working in the wide world of Retail, in Retail, and the charming, and good-hearted tales of Gil.

The show which ran from January through February 2013, was a phenomenal success, and drew people and students all with the same unbridled passion and interest in comics, and the truly American art form of the comic strip. Please enjoy some of these pictures from the show, and head on over to each of the artist’s websites and enjoy all of the hard-work and passion that is part of each comic strip.

January 22nd, 2013

Hola mi amigos!
This morning I woke up to find that Chuck knows Spanish!
The awesome folks over at Elguidilla reposted the Peanizles comic strip from Monday, January, an14th, which in itself is always a nice gesture and fun to see, but this time it had been translated into Spanish.
Click Comic For Full Size

I was definitely humbled, and just wowed by the fact that they even managed to mimic Chuck’s handwriting pretty darn well. So, for all those who might want to pass this along to the their Spanish speaking friends, or just want to see what it looks like in Spanish, head on over to Elguidilla.com and see what its all about!