August 8th, 2012

This awesome and amazing piece of fan art came to me from eleven year old Patrick R. from Lawrence, Massachusetts, and I couldn’t resist publishing it. Chuck, Succotash, Oliver, Grace, J.R. and the whole Peanizles gang get their fair share of fan art to cross the desk, but rarely does the artist. Thanks for the amazing cartoon likeness and keep sending in the fan art gang!
I think Chuck’s actually jealous…
August 6th, 2012

Ten year old, Uber-Big Peanizles fan Xavier V. from Springfield, Massachusetts sent in this Algebraic drawing of Finn from the massively entertaining Cartoon Networl show, Adventure Time! enjoying the Peanizles Comic book! Let me tell you besides making Chuck’s day, this picture just proves what amazing, discerning taste in comics Finn and Jake and the whole Adventure Time crew have!
Keep the amazing fan art coming!
July 11th, 2012

Comics are Awesome!
Fan art is awesome!
Let’s all take advice from the butterfly and make some awesome comics!
This awesome (that’s four awesome for those of you keeping track at home) motivational piece of Fan Art came in from ten year old Riya, from Andover, Massachusetts. Thanks a bunch Riya, Chuck is all pumped for his next comic strip.
And keep sending the awesomely awesome fan art in everybody!
July 9th, 2012

Super-mega-fan Leo W. has been hard at work furiously sending in fan art. Today’s piece features a very funny comic mash-up of Chuck B. and his favorite shirt.
Thanks Leo! And keep the fan art coming!!!!
June 25th, 2012

Hey everbody! I just couldn’t wait to share this entirely distinct and in no way overrated piece of fan art that came into the studio from 10 year old Kara. Her version of Chuck has a hilarious version of fan art in her fan art, all to Chuck’s dismay (although Grace got a big kick out of seeing Chuck’s head on a cat’s body).
Thanks so much Kara!
And please keep all the amazingly fun and fantastic fan art coming!