October 21st, 2011

Carlos C. from Lawrence, Massachusetts, has been busy at work sending in pages of drawings of Chuck, Succotash, Grace and the whole gang. So, you guys will be seeing LOTS of work from Carlos in the future! Love the comics Carlos, and keep the artwork coming! Chuck and I both love seeing your fantastic artwork!
October 19th, 2011

Chuck has never looked as trendy and hip as he does drawn in Number 2 pencil!
This awesome drawing of Chuck came straight to me from eleven year old, Samir P. from Lawrence, Massachusetts. Keep up the fabulous drawings guys!
October 18th, 2011

Big time, eleven year old, Peanizles fan Memphis M., from Lawrence Massachusetts, sent in this great reversal picture of Chuck. I love how Chuck’s head is emblazoned across his chest, while his head has been replaced by his shirt’s usual logo. Very nice twist, Memphis!
Keep sending in the fan art and we’ll keep posting them.
October 17th, 2011

This FAN-tastic piece of fan art comes directly from eight year old Alia, from Brownville, Maine.
Chuck is dressed in his best apron and chef’s hat, and is cooking away at something delicious! Thanks, again Alia. Chuck says, he’s going to be making something special for desert.
October 14th, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things has taken a bit longer than I thought, after such a long, and busy summer, but that hasn’t stopped the fan art from coming my way. So, I’m going to try and post up a ton of new versions of Chuck, Succotash, Grace and the gang, as well as comics created by fans from all over. Enjoy each on, and hopefully they’ll inspire you as well!
This piece was sent in by Tom H. of North Andover, Massachusetts. Thanks for the full-page, color comic of Succotash and Chuck! I love Chuck’s bling in the last panel! Thanks, Tom!!! Keep the good work coming!