October 12th, 2011
Today only (and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and…) Some super cool, fantastically fresh, new wallpaper for you computer! Download the free wallpaper now and get a Chuck blasting his way across your computer everyday!
August 29th, 2011
The summer of 2011 will definitely go down as one of the biggest, most exciting summer’s of my life. And as many longtime, avid fans might have noticed, comics have been a bit sporadic throughout the past few weeks. So, here’s a quick recap.

On July 2nd I married my beautiful, amazing, talented, and supportive wife, Melissa. It was, quite simply, the best day of my life. The ceremony and service was simple and touching, and the following reception just couldn’t have gone any better. Everybody who came, lent a hand, and everybody, I mean everybody, pulled together to help create one of the most memorable weddings that any of my friends or family say that they’ve ever been to. Fellow cartoonists Mark Parisi (of Off The Mark fame) and his wife, along with Elena Steier (of Stiporama and the artist of the varaint cover for the Peanizles comic book) and her husband were just a few in attendance. Even Chuck B. and the gang made an impromtu appearance, as people clamoured to see him.

June 20th, 2011

Here’s an especially cool picture of Chuck, looking a bit shocked that it’s Monday. But don’t fear, Chuck, summer vacation’s almost here and you’ll get to be spending a lot more time outside and playing video games.
Thanks to ten year Tom, from Methuen, Massachusetts for sending in this great picture!
June 14th, 2011

I’ve been going through all the fan art that’s been accumulating around here, and thought it was about time that I got back to posting them.
Here’s a really great, and chiseled Chuck sent in by David T. of Andover, MA. Chuck loves how he looks so buff, and in shape! Thanks David, and keep the great work coming!!!
June 3rd, 2011

I am super pleased to announce that Peanizles now has it’s very own storefront where you can now purchase the very first issue of the Peanizles Comic book and of course, Chuck’s favorite shirt.
The Comic Book Features:
24 pages
38 strips
3 bonus pages of material written solely for the comic
2 pages of pin-up artwork

There’s the Regular cover, which feature a very sly looking Succotash, Chuck, and Grace, comes signed, and then there’s a limited edition Vampire Variant, done by amazingly cool cartoonsist Elena Steier.

And then there is the long awaited t-shirt that Chuck wears every day (actual shirt not previously worn by Chuck) in the comic!
So head on over to the store and take a look!