May 27th, 2011

Here’s yet another awesome piece that has come this way that Grace absolutely wanted me to share. This panel is part of a larger comic that Jailynn from Lawrence, Massachusetts sent in. The rest of the comic will be coming your way very, very soon, but I just couldn’t wait, and had to show you a little something from it. Thanks Jailynn!
May 26th, 2011

Here’s the second piece that was sent in by Xavier V., from Lawrence Massachusetts. I love how Chuck and the gang are just chilling on the wall. And I especially love how Xavier added himself into the piece. Way to go X-Man!
May 25th, 2011

Hey gang! Like I said earlier, fan art has been coming in fast and furious, and I’ve been behind in getting these pieces all scanned and up on the website for everybody to enjoy. (Chuck’s been particularly annoyed with me.) So, I’ll be posting a lot more great art for you all to enjoy. So, in the meantime, enjoy this awesome picture of Succotash sent in by nine year old, Peanizles Super Fan, Dylan S., from North Andover, Massachusetts. Way to go Dylan!
May 20th, 2011

Oh, man! There has just been a ton of fan art coming my way lately. Chuck is just too excited about it, and thinks that Succotash is letting the new found stardom go to his head.
This piece was sent in by amazing super-fan Xavier from Methuen, Massachusetts!
May 16th, 2011

Larry’s Wonderful World of Comics in Lowell, Massachusetts is just a great comic book shop. He has just about every book that you can possibly imagine. From the rarest indie books, to the rarest back issue’s, Larry’s Comics is the place. So, what makes a great book shop greater? The fact that he now carry’s the Peanizles comic book. So, head on over and get your hands on a copy, before anyone else. And every Wednesday, Larry’s is host to the amazing Drink and Draw in which comic creator’s of all types get together and just draw.