Great April Fools’ Day Comics Switcheroonie

Back in 1997, for April Fool’s Day, 46 syndicated cartoonists swapped comic strips for the day. The Family Circus was drawn by Scott Adams (Dilbert), Blondie was drawn by Jim Davis (Garfield), and Foxtrot was drawn by Brad and Guy Gilchrist (Nancy).

Today a small group of us, a new breed of print and digital cartoonists, have joined forces to recreate the same foolishness as our predecessors:

Ralf the Destroyer is drawn by me, Don Mathias (Peanizles)
Peanizles is drawn by Villena and Tomaselli (Onion & Pea)
Frank and Steinway is drawn by Tom Burton (Leadbellies)
Leadbellies is drawn by Fritz (Rackafracka)
In The Sandbox is drawn by Wil Panganiban (Frank and Steinway)
Onion & Pea is drawn by Daniel Beyer (Long Story Short)
Rackafracka is drawn by Evan Falcone (Amazin’ Events)
Snow Sez is drawn by Andrew Pilcher (Smith)
Smith is drawn by T. Sheperd (Snow Sez)
Long Story Short is drawn by Scott Lincoln (Ralf the Destroyer)
Amaz’n Events is drawn by Wil Panganiban (Frank and Steinway)


Peanizles In Space!!!

Here’s the 301st issue of the hit comic book CHUCK as envisioned by 10 year old super-fan, Leo Wellock from North Andover, Massachusetts. Alongside Chuck, Grace and Succotash pilot their spaceship through the stars. Way to go Leo, and keep the further space adventures of Chuck and the gang coming!


A Vote For Chuck Is A Vote For Peanizles!!!

Chuck needs your vote!!!

This week, The Cartoonist Studio has started an online contest to find the next best cartoonist. And our very own favorite comic strip, Peanizles is one of the comics in the running.

The contest is simple: There are 10 rounds of voting, each round lasting one week. Every week, one new cartoon will be published from each remaining contestant. You can vote up to four times a day (once every six hours). And at the end of each week the bottom 10% get eliminated from the contest.

So, head on over to The Cartoonist Studio and help Chuck and the gang get some votes! Vote Peanizles! Vote today!


Here’s Looking At Chuck!

New fan art just came in from ten year old Leny, from Lawrence, Massachusetts. This is one great drawing of Chuck. Thanks, Leny!


Boston Digs Peanizles

In the this just in department, Dig Boston, a weekly alternative newspaper in Boston has just added Peanizles to their comics page in the laugh section. Founded in 1999, the Weekly Dig is Boston’s best and only weekly entertainment magazine. Always witty, never dull, the Dig, as it’s affectionately known, is truly the cure for what’s ailing the curious mind.

Some of the other great comics that Peanizles has the pleasure to share the page with are Secret Asian Man by Tak Toyoshima, What’s For Breakfast? by Pat Kelley, and Ali Jersey by Ali Nebel.

So pick up this weeks paper, or head on over to the Dig Boston to check out their great stories, information and of course comics!
