November 25th, 2010
I am looking to add new characters and kids to the Peanizles gang. And I’ve been thinking that I’m going to start posting sketches of possible new characters as I come up with them and showcase them here on the website periodically to see what everyone thinks. If enough people like certain characters, that will tend to lead me to the idea that there’s enough interest in that character to develop them further. So, get your fingers flashing across the keyboard and let me know what you think. Cheers!
November 5th, 2010
This fan-tastic piece of crossover fan art was sent in by nine year old Bryan from Lawrence, Massachusetts. See if you can spot Chuck smack in between Jean Grey and Colossus, as they look to rescue Wolverine after he’s been captured by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!
October 29th, 2010
Eleven year old super fan Sammy G! from Lawrence, Massachusetts, sent in this picture of Chuck chilling with a tasty beverage. Nice work Sammy!
October 1st, 2010
Today’s comic represents the 200th Peanizles comic strip. Peanizles has come a long way from it’s early days over at Skope magazine, where a slightly different looking Chuck made his first appearance. Over the past 200 hundred comics, there have been many favorites. There’s been comics about the Android phone, Lawn Care, Math Problems, Guest Stars, Puppets, Informants, The Hulk, famous Guest Artists, and so much more. Let me know what some of your favorite moments have been.
And here’s to 200 more!
July 30th, 2010
Grace Q from Atkinson, New Hampshire sent this picture of Chuck in showing her love and support for Peanizles. Thanks Grace and Chuck looks pretty sweet!