February 24th, 2010
For today’s comic I had fun adding movie posters to the background. I love drawing Iron Man for some reason, and I’ve been pretty pleased with the first movie, and it looks as if the second is going to just as good. The second is harder to make out, being cropped the way it was, but other like minded sci-fi fans might be able to make out what it is. If you think you’ve got it let me know.
January 30th, 2010
Recently PBS’ show, Independent Lens, aired a program about the beginning of hip hop and how copyright infringement, forever changed ho rap was created and produced. If you haven’t had an opportunity to see this, check it out. It’s well worth it.
January 27th, 2010
Here’s a great picture sent in from avid Peanizles reader Craig from West Virginia. Word is that Craig loves using his Peanizles mug to drink everything from coffee to cocoa to cherry coke.
Great stuff Craig.
January 8th, 2010
This great picture was sent in from Gretchen from Andrews, Texas, who showed her support of Peanizles while she was on vacation in St. Croix.
Nice Shirt Gretchen (which is coincidentally available for all the cool kids in the Peanizles Cafe Press store).
December 31st, 2009
2009 was huge.
Peanizles launched it’s website in July and has faithfully posted comics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the past six months. The website got a bit of a revamping in November. I attended my first convention in June, and had Chuck and Mingus littered across the table, with various comics and goodies. Which I then followed up in July by attending my first major convention: the San Diego Comic Con. I got to meet some of the greatest cartoonists in the business, and was thrilled by how supportive and encouraging and amazingly cool they all were (more on that to come). I wrote and illustrated five pages of Zombie goodness, for an anthology comic book in October.
And on a personal level I got engaged in December.
So, all in all, 2009 was a pretty satisfying year.
That’s a lot of pressure for a new year to try and compete with. But, looking ahead, I think that 2010 is up to the challenge. Look for 2010 to offer up some of the funniest and cutest cartoons to hit the web, right here at Peanizles.com. There will be a new Peanizles.com store, which will be featuring t-shirts, books, and pint glasses, among other goodies. ZombieBomb, will be hitting shelves at your local comic shop later in the year. And Skope Magazine and I have a few plans in the works for the next year.
Stick around. It’s going to be off the chain.