July 19th, 2017

Just in time for the premier of San Diego Comic Con 2017, a handy dandy map to help all good comic fans find their way through the amazing madness that is San Diego Comic Con, to the Peanizles booth! Stop by and say, Hi! I’ll be debuting two new books from my new publisher Tryptic Press. You can snag a fresh, hot copy of the third Peanizles collection, Drawn Of The Dead, which is chock full of zombie parodies and hillarities. And the first Peanizles children’s storybook, The Day the World Lost it’s Color, which is guaranteed to amuse kids and adults of all ages. -Don
July 17th, 2017

San Diego Comic Con 2017
This year’s San Diego Comic Con is right around the corner. In fact, preview night begins this Wednesday, the 19th, and then runs through Sunday. It’s the biggest comic convention in the world, dwarfing all other show’s in attendance and scope of creators, talent and industry professionals.
Last year, on a whim, I applied for a table, for this year’s San Diego Comic Con. And a few months later, I received a nondescript letter in the mail with the familair SDCC eye logo (which is coincidentally drawn and designed by my all time favorite, and probably most influential comic book artist on mine) which stated that after careful review by a panel of judges, I had been chosen for this years, 2017, San Diego Comic Con. I was beyond excited.
I told, only a handful of friends and family, and have been working in secret prepping for the show, planning on making this show the biggest, and most exciting Peanizles splash ever. I have new merchandise available, that I’ll be showcasing at San Diego Comic Con, and highlighting here on my website. I have a brand new book, the very first in a series of children’s books, starring Chuck and the whole Peanizles gang, which my publisher, Tryptic Press, and I feverishly plowed through production of, and it looks better than I could have imagined.
So stay tuned and I’ll keep the Peanizles excitement comic your way!
December 4th, 2015

Looking for something super fun to do this weekend and find that super, special gift for somebody? Well, this Saturday and Sunday, December 5th and 6th, I’ll be exhibiting at the North East Comic Con, in Wilmington, Massachusetts. I’ll be there loaded with Peanizles, books, shirts, original art, and other exciting Peanizles swag for the comic fan in your life!
And not only will Chuck, Oliver and the whole Peanizles gang be hanging out, but you can also meet comic legend George Perez, members of the cast from A Christmas Story, and of course Santa.
October 16th, 2015
Today’s piece of fan art, doesn’t depict Chuck, or any of the usual Peanizles gang, but it’s a drawing of me, your humble cartoonist! That’s right I got my very own fan art drawing of me. And this piece was given to me by my 4 year old niece, Ella T. of Andrews, Texas. It looks like we may have another cartoonist in the family.

October 2nd, 2015

Happy Friday! And of course that means, another installment of Fan Art. And today’s piece is a whopper!
This piece was sent to me by twelve year old Isabella U., of Methuen, Massachusetts, who’s given us some very special and amazing drawings over the years, and today’s is no different. Today we have Chuck, Succotash, and some very special cartoon guests making an appearance in today’s fan art! Thanks Isabella!
And keep the fan art coming!