Posts Tagged ‘broken’

Breaking The Funny Bone

Avid reader you might have noticed the loss of Monday’s comic and that there’s an amazingly talented guest artist behind today’s strip.

Well, a few days back I had a slight accident. And by slight accident I mean that I broke my right arm right at the elbow. Which of course is my drawing arm. Having just finished the summer long story arc of Chuck and the gang at Camp Big Foot, I was going to start work on the next few weeks worth of comic strips, when this happened and left me high and dry on the drawing board. I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea how long I might be unable to put pen to paper, and I didn’t want Peanizles to languish due to my stupidity. So, I put out a call for help, asking some cartoonist friends who I thought might be able, and want to, help me keep Peanizles running, and boy was I surprised by how many people wanted to help out. I’ve got a line up of great cartoonists putting their talented spin on Chuck, Oliver, Succotash and the whole Peanizles crew.

On Monday I have a follow up with my orthopedic surgeon to do some more tests and to determine how bad my arm is, and when I can rejoin my cartoonist bretheren at the drawing board. In the meantime, hang on and check out some amazing talent as the fun begins!



Behind The Board

Well faithful Peanizles fan and readers, I’m back!

As many of you might know, I had a trip and fall accident on September 7th, and broke my right arm. To be more specific, I had a compound stress fracture at the end of the radial bone on my right, drawing arm. Apparently, when I reached out to break my fall with my outstretched arms, the force if impact bent me bone and crushed the end of my radius at the elbow. And, brother, did it hurt. It was impossible for me to hold a pencil, let alone try and turn my arm and hand in the slightest. So, my ability to draw was nil.

But, the cartoon must go on.

I asked if any other cartoonist’s would like to try and do a guest strip while my arm was healing. And there were plenty of cartoonists who stepped up to the drawing board. I have managed to have a fresh, new Peanizles comic strip featuring Chuck, Succotash, Oliver, Grace and the gang three times a week, as scheduled. I was really touched by the outpouring of creativity and help from so many cartoonists:

Elena Steier
Dave Sullivan
Chris Mountjoy
Sean Kasper
Tim Jones
Rick Sardinha
George Ford
Geo Gant
Mike Meara
Chris Watson
John Cardinal
Will Wilson

So, I want to give them all the biggest thanks possible!

And I’m going to flex my healing drawing muscles and get back to making with the funny.
