Posts Tagged ‘comic’

Monster Naming Contest

The Monster living under Chuck’s bed need’s a name!

Here’s the deal: for the first ever Peanizles Contest, we are looking for a name for the Monster (he’s getting pretty tired of just being called “monster” all the time). He has asked that people help come up with something that fits his character.

What does the winner get? An original Peanizles comic strip, and the undying gratitude of Monster’s under the bed everywhere!

How do you enter? It’s as simple as clicking Enter! Add your Name, Address, Age, Email Address, and most importantly, your entry name for the Monster. You can enter as many times as you can come up with names.

Contest ends February 25th, 2012, and the lucky winner will be announced on Wednesday February 29th!

So, what are you waiting for? Enter now!



The Winning Name Is…

And the results are in!

The Name the Monster Under the Bed contest was a bigger success than I could ever have imagined. People from all over, as far away as Spain and Hungary and Yugoslavia were sending in what they felt should be the monsters name. And most people sent in not only one name, but whole lists. It was just very humbling and very cool to see such a massive show of support. So, I just want to thank each and every one of you who took a moment to send in their best name (or names) for the Monster that lives under Chuck’s bed.

Unfortunately, there can only be one winner, but there were several runner up’s which were all very close.

And the Winning name, as you probably have already read in today’s comic, was Oliver! Oliver was sent in by Will Panganiban from California. It just seemed such a great name, absolutely fitting, and the monster absolutely loved it when he heard it.

The runners up name’s were, in no particular order:
Dusty, sent in by Finn Sieks
Renaldo, sent in by Dreese Fadil
Guacamole, sent in by Dan Perkins
and Stinky Peas sent in by Riya Sharma

Thanks so very much guys! They were all just great entries! Will will be receiving an original peanizles comic strip and a signed copy of the first issue of the Peanizles Comic book, and all the runner ups will be receiving signed copies of the Peanizles Comic book.

And everybody wins free wallpaper, of Chuck and Oliver goofing around with the camera! Just click on the above image to download to your computer, laptop or whatever!


Los Amigos Onions And Peanizles Together Again!!!

Well, the fantastic guys over at the fabulous Onion & Pea comic ordered up a bunch of books all the way from Malaga, Spain. Both David Tomaselli and Jose Villena have been super fans and big supporters of Peanizles since the beginning. Even doing their own fantastic version of Chuck and a Peanizles strip in last year’s April Fools day comics Switcheroo.

Click Comic For Full Size
Onion And Peanizles

And Chuck and Succotash were so thrilled that they sent along a special gift, with them showing off their love and support of Onion and Pea!

What are you waiting for?

Go check out Onion and Pea already!


Hand Puppet Theater – Fan Art!

Wow! Amazing twelve year old Ramphis M. of Lawrence, Massachusetts, sent in this super-cool comic puppet theater comic. Thanks, so much Ramphis and keep them coming guys!!!


It’s Interview Time!!!

Hey Gang! I recently did an interview with Dustin Luca at the Andover Townsman about Peanizles.

It was great fun, getting to sit down and talk to Dustin about the world of webcomics, comics, and all things Peanizles. And to be honest, it felt a lot like being home. For those of you who don’t know, my first long running, weekly comic strip ran in the pages of the Andover Townsman from spring of 1998 to April 7 of last year. The comic strip was called “Entering Andover” (a name which I had for years wanted to change to “Q and A” in honor of the two kids, Quentin and Andrea, of the comic strip) and revolved around a family of four, the Dad at work, the kids at school and the Mother with her massive task of trying to hold everything, and everyone together. It was fun. I got to explore so much as a cartoonist, and got to work with some amazing people at the newspaper. But, unfortunately, with the rise of Peanizles, which had quickly become much more priority, and the constant struggle with the newspaper to keep the Entering Andover going in print, which was becoming more, and more difficult, as space on the printed page was quickly becoming a weekly issue. I decided to retire the comic strip for a while. I loved the characters, and I love the comic. And I’m sure that I’ll be working with them again some day. But, for now, Chuck, Succotash, Grace, Oliver, J.R., and the gang are more than enough to keep me occupied.

If you haven’t seen it yet, and you’re interested, you can read the whole thing over here at the Andover Townsman’s website!


Sketching The Fun-tastic Four

Last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. And it was by far, the best, Free Comic Book Day event that I’ve been a part of.

I spent the day at Newbury Comics, in Newton, Massachusetts, signing comic book, t-shirts, and drawing original sketch trading cards for folks that stopped by. It was seriously a great time, and I had a blast with everybody at the Newbury Comics, and getting to hang with like-minded comic fans.

Here’s one of my favorite sketch cards that I drew that day featuring Chuck, Succotash, and Grace as three members of one of your favorite superhero team!
